Veer has done very good business on day one with around 25 crore nett as per early estimates. The film has performed fantastically well in Bihar, CP Berar, CI and Rajasthan. Bihar seems to be a record first day while other circuits mentioned above are amongst the top three ever.
Delhi/UP has also done well thanks to humungous business in UP single screens. Multiplexes in UP have also performed well. Mumbai, East Punjab and Nizam have seen good business while Mysore, Tamil Nadu and Kerala are okay.
The film has by far the biggest first day ever for a Salman Khan starrer eclipsing the 5 crore nett of Wanted and Partner. Veer has mixed reports so its hard to say what will happen over the next few days but a good extended weekend will give the film good chances to emerge a success.
19 responses to "Veer First Day Business"
awesome movie...
Veer is an excellent film. It had great performances from salman, good direction from Anil sharma, good music and good action.
Veer is a super hit film. Salman Rocks.
awesome movie....one cn see the hardwork done by salman in the movie...rocking movie..!
Veer is rocking at boxoffice in all over India. Second day collection is even more from first day collections. Veer is breaking all records records of previous hit like Ghajini in single and multiplexes. Veer is an Instant Super Hit.
veer is a good enjoyable movie, its cinematography looks fantastic on big screens.. songs and action are very good.
it should be a super hit.
Outstanding Movie yaar.............
Go nd Watch it.........
VEER's huge opening shows, so called critics are not at all in line with the public's sentiments. If they liked the movie they dont care what the reviewer X and Y said about the movie..
Veer created havoc in the Rajasthan circuit when it opened on Friday. It remains to be seen what sort of business Veer does in the whole of India but in Rajasthan the film is a clean hit even if collections were to crash badly over the weekdays.
Veer set new records in most of the centres in Rajasthan with only Jaipur, Kota and a couple of other cities being the exception. Jodhpur, Bikaner, Shriganganagar, Sikar, Alwar, Kisangarh, Bhilwara and many more stations witnessed never seen before figures.
In Jodhpur the masses were so impressed by Salman Khan in Veer that after watching the film they put garlands on Salman Khan cut-outs which featured him in his Veer look. These sort of scenes are very rare for Hindi films heroes although it happens with the megastars of South India
In CI,CP,Bihar,UP, Nizam it had broken all records including Ghajini and 3Idiots on Sunday by collecting very huge. It is created new records as per Trade Analyst.
excellent movie must watch!!!!!
salman rocks...
the real rockstar of bollywood...
he is the king khan, the perfectionist & real macho man ....
Veer ROx...CrITICs Sux.......Eny WAYZ...SALMAn WAs SUPErb.....AAp SaLMAn KHAn KI AIsi FiLM KAbhi NHi DeKHe HOge...EM SPEecHlESs...YaHAaN HYdeRAbad ME TO HOUseFUll HAi moNDay TAk.....JUs GOt LOVEd WId VEer.....JItNE BAar DEkhO KAm HAi...LUv U SaLMAn aNd ZarINe...and ZaRINE Iz GODdeSS OF BEaUTy...MUAhh...So GUyZ and GAlz GO 4 IT...REMEMbER CrItiCs SUx.....Jo Bhi HAi JAnta HAi...AUr JAnta Ko PasaNd AAri.....HYderaABad Me To HouSefUll JAaRI...All Da BEst 2 SaLMan...INsHALAh He WIll SUCcEEd......LOve U SaLmAn......Veer ROx
excellent movie
love to see salman in his full form
what more u want from movie yar this is a solid package of love war history relationship
superb acting salman an mithunda are great
veer izz an outstnding moviee....salmann....really rockkss guys s u must go n watch veer........
i didn`t seen that kind flim in the past. i love it story, salman in his full form,i like ur`s sytle , fight ,love ,and all movement of moviee. salman u are such veer in ur life,
veer is a very best film of salman khan AND VERY GOOD LOOKIN ZARINE KHAN
Its a nice movie
i like the role of salman khan
it rocking
sallu u are very good nice movie good performance salman khan ur the king of the world.
salman veer block buster of the year 2010 so go and watch historical love story.